國(guó)際幼兒園 International Kindergarten 第二周 9月16日--9月20日 Week3(9/16-9/20) 早點(diǎn) Morning Snack 牛奶 Milk 葡萄吐司 Toast with raisin 香濃奶片 Milk powder candy 午餐 Lunch 錦繡牛肉燴 Braised beef with vegetables 茭白炒肉 Fried cane shoots with meat 清炒莧菜 Fried amaranth 番茄魚(yú)丸湯 Tomato and fish ball soup 米飯 Rice 水果 Fruits 藍(lán)莓 Blueberry 午點(diǎn) Afternoon Snack 馬蹄露 Water chestnuts drink 蛋黃流沙包 Steamed creamy custard bun 特別餐點(diǎn) Special meal 牛肉忌口替換菜:大排 Alternative for beef: steak 魚(yú)肉忌口替換菜:絲瓜蛋湯 Alternative for fish: towel gourd and egg soup 早點(diǎn) Morning Snack 牛奶 Milk 蜜汁蒸南瓜 Steamed pumpkin with sweet sauce 琥珀核桃肉 Walnut 午餐 Lunch 富貴獅子頭 Meat ball 蜜瓜時(shí)蔬鴨丁 Fried duck meat with melon and vegetables 秋葵山藥木耳 Fried okra with Chinese yam and agarics 日式味增湯 Miso soup 燕麥飯 Oat meal rice 水果 Fruits 蜜柚 Grapefruit 午點(diǎn) Afternoon Snack 越南米粉 Rice noodles 水煮鴿蛋 Boiled pigeon egg 特別餐點(diǎn) Special meal 南瓜忌口替換菜:餅干 Alternative for pumpkins: crackers 堅(jiān)果忌口替換菜:山楂糕 Alternative for nuts: haw jelly 山藥忌口替換菜:清炒油麥菜 Alternative for Chinese yam: fried lettuce 早點(diǎn) Morning Snack 牛奶 Milk 奶香手指餅 Milk flavored cracker 葡萄 Grape 午餐 Lunch 海鮮意面 Seafood spaghetti 松茸雞湯 Chicken soup with matsutake 手打牛肉丸 Handmade beef ball 上湯西葫蘆 Fried zucchini with soup 水果 Fruits 火龍果 Dragon fruit 午點(diǎn) Afternoon Snack 奶香芝麻糊 Milk flavor sesame paste 巧果 Steamed bun 特別餐點(diǎn) Special meal 海鮮忌口替換菜:雞肉時(shí)蔬意面 Alternative for seafood: spaghetti with chicken and vegetables 雞肉忌口替換菜:骨頭湯底 Alternative for chicken: bone soup 牛肉忌口替換菜:豬肉 Alternative for beef: pork 午餐 Lunch 番茄雞肉 Fried chicken with tomato 西葫蘆肉糜 Fried zucchini with meat paste 甜椒土豆絲 Fried shredded potato with sweet pepper 冬瓜木耳仔排湯 Ribs soup with white gourd and agaric 米飯 Rice 水果 Fruits 蘋(píng)果 Apple 午點(diǎn) Afternoon Snack 椰香紫米羹 Coconut flavor black rice thick soup 小香干 Bean curd 特別餐點(diǎn) Special meal 雞肉忌口替換菜:牛肉 Alternative for chicken: beef 午餐 Lunch 洋蔥龍利魚(yú) Fried Sole fish with onion 雙色花菜炒香腸 Fried sausage with cauliflower 蠔油生菜 Fried lettuce with oyster oil 菌菇時(shí)蔬濃湯 Thick soup with mushroom and vegetables 米飯 Rice 水果 Fruits 無(wú)籽提 Grape 午點(diǎn) Afternoon Snack 牛角包 Croissant 特別餐點(diǎn) Special meal 海鮮忌口替換菜:牛肉 Alternative for seafood: beef 西蘭花忌口替換菜:卷心菜火腿 Alternative for broccoli: Fried cabbage with ham 小學(xué)部 & 中學(xué)部 Primary School & Middle school 第二周 9月16日--9月20日 Week3 (9/16-9/20) 午餐 Lunch 黃豆燉豬蹄 Steamed pig’s feet with soybean 蒲瓜炒雞片 Fried chicken slice with white flowered gourd 青椒土豆絲 Fried potato slice with green pepper 紫菜蛋花湯 Egg soup with seaweed 米飯 Rice 水果 Fruits 葡萄 Grape 晚餐 Dinner 栗子黃燜雞 Braised chicken with chestnut 火腿冬瓜 Fried white gourd with ham 蒜蓉莧菜 Fried edible amaranth with minced garlic 番茄魚(yú)丸湯 Fish ball soup with tomato 米飯 Rice 午餐 Lunch 韓式香酥雞 Deep-fried chicken 雜菜炒肉丁 Fried pork dice with vegetable 上湯花菜 Cauliflower with soup 松茸乳鴿湯 Pigeon soup with mushroom 米飯 Rice 水果 Fruits 哈密瓜 Honeydew 晚餐 Dinner 酸菜魚(yú)片 Boiled fish with pickled cabbage and chili 甜椒黑木耳炒蛋 Scrambled egg with fungus and pepper 西芹百合 Fried celery with edible lily 羅宋湯 Borsch 米飯 Rice 午餐 Lunch 素雞燒肉 Braised pork with steamed bean curd roll 蝦仁豆腐 Fried tofu with shrimp 番茄西葫蘆 Fried tomato with summer squash 平菇魚(yú)頭湯 Fish head soup with mushroom 米飯 Rice 水果 Fruits 火龍果 Dragon fruit 晚餐 Dinner 洋蔥牛柳 Fried beef fillet with onion 香腸菜飯 Mixed rice with vegetable and sausage 面筋小白菜 Fried cabbage with gluten 絲瓜蛋湯 Egg soup with towel gourd 午餐 Lunch 咖喱燉牛腩 Beef curry 茭白肉片 Fried pork slice with wild rice shoot 蒜泥空心菜 Fried water spinach with minced garlic 山藥大骨湯 Rib soup with yam 米飯 Rice 水果 Fruits 小香蕉 Banana 晚餐 Dinner 豉油蒸排條 Steamed rib with soy sauce 蘆筍炒雞肫 Fried chicken gizzard with asparagus 胡蘿卜包菜 Fried cabbage with carrot 菌菇濃湯 Mushroom soup 米飯 Rice 午餐 Lunch 美極鮮蝦球 Shrimp ball 干貝燉蛋 Steamed egg with dried scallop 高湯娃娃菜 Cabbage with soup 扁尖老鴨湯 Duck soup with dried bamboo shoot 米飯 Rice 水果 Fruits 小番茄 Cherry tomato 菜譜提供:總務(wù)處 / 營(yíng)養(yǎng)師 英文翻譯:沈紫煙 / 葉欽 英文審核:語(yǔ)言中心 編輯、排版、審核:校長(zhǎng)辦公室