注:周五(9月13日)為中秋節(jié)假期, 故提供下周一至周四食譜 Tips: Friday(13th Sep.) is Mid-autumn Festival. Provide the menu from next Monday to Thursday. 國際幼兒園 International Kindergarten 第二周 9月9日--9月12日 Week2(9/9-9/12) 早點 Morning Snack 牛奶 Milk 奶香吐司 Milk flavor toast 蔓越莓干 Dried cranberries 午餐 Lunch 南瓜松仁牛肉粒 Fried diced beef with pumpkin and pine nut 有機花菜炒肉糜 Fried cauliflowers with meat paste 上湯空心菜 Fried water spinach with soup 羅宋湯 Borsch 米飯 Rice 水果 Fruits 紅心火龍果 Dragon fruits 午點 Afternoon Snack 海參小米粥 Millet congee with sea cucumber 津津鹵汁豆腐干 Marinade bean curd 特別餐點 Special meal 牛肉忌口替換菜:獅子頭 Alternate for beef: large meatball 火龍果忌口替換菜:葡萄 Alternate for dragon fruit: grape 海鮮忌口替換菜:小米粥 Alternate for seafood: millet congee 早點 Morning Snack 牛奶 Milk 進口卡通餅 Cartoon shape crackers 兒童奶酪 Cheese 午餐 Lunch 蒜香雞中翅 Braised chicken wings with minced garlic 蘆筍培根 Fried asparagus with bacon 卷心菜胡蘿卜 Fried cabbage with carrots 野菌鯽魚豆腐湯 米飯 Rice 水果 Fruits 新西蘭陽光金果 Yellow cherry tomatoes 午點 Afternoon Snack 紅棗雪梨銀耳羹 White fungus thick soup with red dates and pears 菜肉春卷 Vegetables and meat spring rolls 特別餐點 Special meal 雞肉忌口替換菜:蒸牛肉丸 Alternate for chicken: steamed beef ball 鯽魚忌口替換菜:松茸肉絲湯 Alternate for crucian: matsutake with sliced meat soup 早點 Morning Snack 牛奶 Milk 銅鑼燒 Dorayaki 無籽提 Grapes 午餐 Lunch 龍蝦焗飯 Baked rice with lobster 奶油蘑菇湯 Cream of mushroom soup 荷塘月色 Fried lotus roots with carrots agric and celery 法式蒜香面包片 Sliced bread with minced garlic 水果 Fruits 蘋果 Apple 午點 Afternoon Snack 橙香芋艿紅薯甜湯 Sweet potato soup with taro 月餅 Moon cake 特別餐點 Special meal 海鮮忌口替換菜:蘆筍鴨胸蓋澆飯 Alternate for seafood: rice served with asparagus and duck breast meat 早點 Morning Snack 牛奶 Milk 黃油小花 Butter flavor cookies 開胃山楂糕 Haw jelly 午餐 Lunch 茄汁咕咾肉 Sweet and sour pork 茭白炒蛋 Fried cane shoots with eggs 青菜蘑菇 Fried green vegetables with mushroom 美味老鴨煲 Duck pot 燕麥米飯 Oatmeal rice 水果 Fruits 巨峰葡萄 Grapes 午點 Afternoon Snack 椰汁餐包 Coconut juice flavor bread 午點 Afternoon Snack 番茄忌口替換菜:土豆燒排骨 Alternate for tomatoes: braised ribs with potatoes 雞蛋忌口替換菜:炒素 Alternate for eggs: fried vegetables 小學部 & 中學部 Primary School & Middle school 第二周 9月9日--9月12日 Week2(9/9-9/12) 早間餐 Morning Snack 酸奶 Yogurt 肉松餐包 Bread 午餐 Lunch 蒜蓉蒸大蝦 Steamed shrimp with minced garlic 卷心菜火腿 Fried ham with cabbage 青菜蘑菇 Fried Chinese cabbage with mushroom 西湖牛肉羹 Minced beef tofu soup 米飯 Rice 水果 Fruits 巨峰葡萄 Grape 晚餐 Dinner 酸菜魚片 Fish with pickled mustard-green 番茄炒蛋 Scrambled egg with tomato 上湯油麥菜 Fried lettuce with soup 白菜肉圓湯 Meatball soup with cabbage 米飯 Rice 早間餐 Morning Snack 鮮奶 Milk 羊角包 Bread 午餐 Lunch 番茄燴牛腩 Braised brisket with tomato 杏鮑菇炒雞片 Fried chicken slice with mushroom 雞汁娃娃菜 Fried cabbage with chicken soup 松茸草雞湯 Chicken soup with truffle 米飯 Rice 水果 Fruits 櫻桃小番茄 Cherry tomato 晚餐 Dinner 醬汁大排 Braised pork chop with soy sauce 肉沫云絲 Fried bean curd slice with minced pork 上湯空心菜 Fried water spinach with soup 時蔬魚丸湯 Fish ball soup with vegetable 米飯 Rice 早間餐 Morning Snack 酸奶 Yogurt 椰汁吐司 Bread 午餐 Lunch 蘆筍鴨柳 Fried duck fillet with asparagus 茭白肉片 Fried pork slice with wild rice shoot 蠔油生菜 Fried lettuce with oyster sauce 山藥牛尾湯 Oxtail soup with yam 米飯 Rice 水果 Fruits 哈密瓜 Honeydew 晚餐 Dinner 茄汁漢堡 Hamburger 面筋小白菜 Fried cabbage with gluten 蘿卜木耳小排湯 Rib soup with radish and fungus 咖喱牛肉蓋澆飯 Curry beef with rice 早間餐 Morning Snack 鮮奶 Milk 華夫餅 Waffle 午餐 Lunch 杏鮑菇燒肉 Braised pork with mushroom 青椒百葉肉絲 Fried pork slice with green pepper and dried bean curd 上湯花菜 Fried cauliflower with soup 扁尖老鴨湯 Duck soup with dried bamboo shoot 米飯 Rice 水果 Fruits 火龍果 Dragon fruit 晚餐 Dinner 時蔬魚柳 Fried fish fillet with vegetable 文蛤燉蛋 Steamed egg with clam 炒莧菜 Fried amaranth 冬瓜三鮮湯 Three delicacy soup with white gourd 米飯 Rice 菜譜提供:總務(wù)處 / 營養(yǎng)師 英文翻譯:沈紫煙 / 葉欽 英文審核:語言中心 編輯、排版、審核:校長辦公室