著一襲華美漢服 赴一場暮秋詩會

Next, the editor will take you "traveling" the scene

Fashion show in Han-style clothes

While students were showing their clothes on stage, they also demonstrated the ancient etiquette. Some of them even brought some props like a fan or a sword with them, showing their elegant demeanor.

▲ 女生漢服走秀

▲ 男生漢服走秀
The hosts introduced the culture of Han-style clothes. They are the traditional clothes of the Han ethnic group, and also an epitome of the Chinese nation - the nation of etiquette.

Get close to the beauty of China
Accompanied by the beautiful classical melody, the students performed on “stage”, and interpreted the ancient and modern masterpieces in various forms such as recitation, dancing, chorus, etc.

▲ 八(5)班、八(6)班女生帶來的舞蹈《歸去來兮》

▲ 九(4)班徐海嘉同學的竹笛表演

▲ 九(3)班王子藝同學的《漁舟唱晚》

▲ 八(6)班的徐梓洋和王梓同學用巴烏吹響了《青花瓷》

▲ 七年級女生帶來的漢服舞蹈《清平樂》

▲ 六(5)班的胡齡予吹奏《荷塘月色》

Calligraphy to show noble spirit
Teachers and students were highly devoted to writing the poems, making a beautiful scene in this late autumn day.

Appreciate the fun in traditional culture

Each class had to complete the eight poetic couplets within the time limit. The teachers and students had a very exciting discussion at the scene.

The game was carried out in groups. Only three members of each class were allowed to participate in this game. When the host gave the first character, the fierce competition among classes immediately began. The students tried their best to earn glory for their own classes.

Pitch pot is a game used to be played by ancient scholars. Now, the students could also have a try. This game was only carried out in groups, and each class was allowed eight arrows with unlimited participants. The students were quite excited about this game.


▲ SCFLS中學部全人班暮秋詩會精彩視頻

Chinese identity with international mindedness
“Chinese identity, international mindedness” is the general goal in Soochow Foreign Language School. Our school-based curriculum attaches great importance to cultivating students to have a sense of identity with the indigenous culture, understand and respect multiculture in the meantime.

▲ 小學部開展古詩詞大賽

▲ 中學部開展詩詞大會

▲ 書法課堂
Our school is equipped with the Sinology Hub, and the corridor for promoting Sinology. Through integrating Sinology with the IB curriculum, we strive to develop the SCFLS students into those who love our own culture, and our own nationality, and those who have both Chinese identity and international mindedness.

中文撰稿:八年級全人班 宣傳辦
攝影攝像:宣傳辦 SCFLS校園電視臺
編輯、排版、審核:校長辦公室 宣傳辦