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來源:管理員 發(fā)布時間:2019-12-21 15:33:46 瀏覽次數(shù):222 【字體:

國際文憑組織(International Baccalaureate)以其極其嚴格和極具挑戰(zhàn)的PYP(幼小項目),MYP(中學項目),DP(大學預科項目)領跑國際教育。國際文憑組織為確保其項目的運作質量,構建起了一套規(guī)范、嚴格的項目授權體系。通常情況下,一個學校在項目正式授權前,需要派遣顧問進行一次咨詢訪問,以便更好地幫助學校達到授權標準。

International Baccalaureate leads the international education with its rigorous and challenging programmes.To guarantee the implementation quality of the each programme, IB established a standard and rigorous authorization system. Before authorization, a school needs to go through a consultation visit to better meet the the programme standards and practices.

12月16日-17日,Yoon Ah Lee女士代表國際文憑組織,來我校進行了為期兩天的PYP幼小項目咨詢訪問。

On 16th to 17th December 2019, Ms Yoon Ah Lee from IBO conducted a 2-day PYP consultation visit in our school. 

顧問簡介 Profile

總校長李春雷先生對Yoon Ah Lee女士的到來表示熱烈的歡迎,并向顧問詳細闡述了學校的發(fā)展概況、辦學使命、教育理念以及項目開展進程,誠懇邀請顧問對我校PYP各項申請準備工作開展實際性的指導。

General Principal Mr. David Li warmly welcomed Ms Yoon Ah Lee for the consultation visit. He gave an introduction about the school’s development, mission statement, and programme implementation progress, and sincerely invited Ms Lee to review the progress made by the school in its work towards meeting the requirements for authorization.


This two-day consultation visit provided an opportunity for our school to be in contact with the consultant, to ask questions and to receive feedback and advice at any time.


Leaders, teachers, students and parents openly spoke about the school philosophy, the learning community, the challenges and opportunities in the implementation of PYP.

顧問親自參與了小學部升旗儀式,對儀式中師生展現(xiàn)出來的“中國靈魂 國際情懷”,表示高度贊賞和認同。

Ms Lee visited the primary facilities and attended the Monday Flag Raising ceremony and was impressed by the “Chinese Identity International Mindedness” demonstrated on students and teachers.


Then, she observed Year 1-5 lessons and talked to the students randomly.


She was extremely impressed by the students’ inquiry and teachers’ collaboration in class.


Ms Lee also visited the kindergarten and observed K1-3 lessons.


When she entered K2 class, the students were having a UOI lesson with the central idea “traveling makes us better learn the world”. Students were playing as tourist guides, introducing famous places, architecture and food in Beijing. The consultant couldn’t help joining the inquiry journey with the kids.

為期兩天的訪問即將收尾,Yoon Ah Lee女士對學校整體的項目進程給出了積極而中肯的評價,并對此次訪問作了詳細的評估說明。她表示,學校在整體環(huán)境布置上,融入了豐富的IB教育理念,創(chuàng)設了多樣化的UOI課堂,這些都令她感到十分驚喜!同時,Yoon Ah Lee女士也充分肯定了學校在構建學習者社區(qū)方面所做出的努力,并祝愿蘇城外國語學校早日獲得授權!

In the end of this visit, the consultant had a meeting to discuss findings in the 2 days and determine possible course of action with the school leaders. She spoke highly of the school’s efforts in the implementation of PYP within the learning community and expressed sincere thanks for the cooperation and hard work of leaders and teachers. She gave her best wishes to our school in becoming an IB world school!

總校長李春雷先生對Yoon Ah Lee女士兩天的咨詢訪問表示衷心感謝,顧問中肯的評價令每一個蘇城人備受鼓舞。同時,總校長也誠懇表態(tài),蘇城外國語學校對于PYP授權的決心堅定不移,并將認真采納顧問提出的建議,完善項目標準與實施細則,制定出切實可行的實施方案,為順利獲得授權提供強有力的保障!

General principal Mr. David Li extended his sincere thanks to Ms Yoon Ah Lee for her hard work in the consultation process. The school is extremely inspired by her positive feedback and more determined for the authorization. We will take the recommendations and make serious action plan to better meet the programme standards and practices!





編輯、排版、審核:校長辦公室 宣傳辦



  • 招生熱線:0512-89180556 / 89180555
  • 應聘郵箱:hr@cscfls.com
  • 應聘聯(lián)系電話:0512-89180557 / 89180564
  • 學校地址:蘇州市相城區(qū)金磚路399號
  • 學校名稱:蘇州市相城區(qū)蘇城外國語學校