SCFLS | 懷揣初心 跋涉不輟 —— 初中部團委競選圓滿舉行
“Wonderful Performance; Warm Applause”
Soochow Foreign Language School held a successful election of Junior Middle School Students’ Youth League Committee in a great atmosphere on 27th September. All teachers and students from Year 7 and Year 8 participated in this big event.
We are the flowers in May, to embrace the era with our youth; We are the sunshine of the sunrise, to ignite the future with our life…
激情燃夢 分秒必爭
Use your talent to fulfill your dream!
The 21 candidates were divided into 4 groups. Every candidate was required to showcase their talents within 3 minutes. They gave the self-introduction and explained why they were running for the position.
Angel Lin from Year 7, Class 6 gave a fascinating piano performance. Jenny Wu from Year 8, Class 2 presented his works of calligraphy, which won the applause of the audience. Coco Wang from holistic class of Year 8 gave us her model show, presenting energy and youth. The dancing show presented by Teresa Xia brought the event to the climax. After the election, she danced again among the cheers and applause of all teachers and students.
The final battle
After the fierce competition, the most exciting moment has arrived! Who will win these positions of the Student League Committee? How many outstanding students can join our junior high school student league committee work? Hold your breath! Let’s wait and see.
The judge teachers scored on the spot, and the scorer counted the scores carefully. If there is a tie, candidates need to answer extra questions given by the judges.
Amid warm applause, Director Yu Yan revealed for us the list of winners of the first Student League Committee of Soochow Foreign Language School.
Student leaders of Youth League Committee of SCFLS

Each of the winners was excited to be granted a certificate of appointment. The bright red certificate reflects the fervent hope; the dream of the youth and the national rejuvenation dream merge into one. Congratulate on all winners, and may our motherland prosperous!
中文撰稿:溫娜 汪波 徐雯
英文翻譯: 初中英語組
編輯、排版、審核:校長辦公室 宣傳辦

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The Intersection of the Yucheng Rd and Jinzhuan Rd, Xiangcheng District Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province, The People's Republic of China, 215131

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